When buying gold jewelry, it is very important to take the gold value versus the design value as a key factor before making your decision. By right, a good purchase should take into account, the weight of gold offered measured against the current market price and also the workmanship or design cost involved.
The karat grading is always used to denote the proportion of gold in percentage, which is present in the jewelry. The finest and purest form should be the 24-karat and the lower this number, that means the lower the amount of gold is present in the jewelry.
Buying a 24-karat gold jewelry may not be such a good idea after all because it is considered too soft and thus will easily get scratched and damaged. Therefore, one should only consider purchasing the 22-karat (with 91.6% purity) or 20-karat (83.3% purity) if they want to ensure that the jewelry maintains a certain value.
Another aspect, which you should look into, is that the design cost must always be lower than 20%. The reason why is because if the price becomes too high due to the added cost, it will be difficult to resell and recoup the investment later part.
Investing gold coins: China Panda, Canadian Maple Leaf